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Showing posts from January, 2018


SUNSET Do you believe in god? do you feel down? do you need someone to talk? dear all of you  in life sometimes you might feel down, sad, disappointed in everything but believe me if you need someone to heard about all is happened in your life, YOU NEED GOD ..  GOD LOVES YOU MORE IN A MOMENTS THAN ANYONE COULD IN LIFETIME..  By Aishaa.


hey its me aishaa, today aishaa would like tell you gais about RAINBOW ..  “It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain.” “Life throws challenges and every challenge comes with rainbows and lights to conquer it.” DEFINATION RAINBOW.... A rainbow is a meteorlogical phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured circular arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.                                   "The thing to do, it seems to me, is to prepare yourself so you can be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud. Somebody who may not look like you. May not call God the same name you call God - if they call God at all. I may not dance your dances or speak your language. But be a blessing to somebody. That's what I thin

Dyesebel the TV Series directed by Joyce E.Bernal and Don Michael Perez

Hi viewers. The Dyesebel the TV Series is about a mermaid who want to survive her life in human world.This series in Phillipines language. The story of Dyesebel begins when Florentino "Tino" Montemayor crosses the sea riding a boat and he spots a beautiful maiden with long flowing hair smiling at her, Later one stormy night he will find a girl in sea, he will care for her and eventually fall in love. They fall and love and Lucia (Jean Garcia) delivers a beautiful baby girl. Unlike other normal babies, Lucia's child is half-human, half-fish. She is named Dyesebel. Although surprised by the unusual fish tail of their daughter, Lucia and husband Tonio (Wendell Ramos) love Dyesebel. But in no time, their neighbors discover the couple's secret. When the community is hit by a series of catastrophes, Dyesebel's neighbors believe the young mermaid is nothing but a curse that brings them tremendous misfortune. The people's antagonism drives Lucia to offer Dyesebel t

Free Willy directed by Simon Wincer

The film begins with a pod of orcas swimming near the coastline of the Pacific Northwest. The pod is tracked down by a group of whalers, and one of them, Willy, is trapped and sent to an amusement park. Sometime later in Seattle, Washington, Jesse, a 12-year-old boy abandoned by his mother six years before, is caught by the police for stealing food and vandalizing the theme park. Jesse's social worker Dwight earns him a reprieve by finding him a foster home and having him clean up the graffiti at the theme park as part of his probation. His foster parents are the supportive and kind Annie and Glen Greenwood, but Jesse is initially unruly and hostile to them. While working at the park, Jesse encounters Willy. Willy is regarded as surly and uncooperative by the park staff, including his trainer Rae Lindley, but he saves Jesse from drowning, starting a bond, and becomes friendly with his keeper, Haida native Randolph Johnson. Jesse teaches tricks to Willy, and is offered a perma

Museum in M A L A Y S I A

hey aishaa again for this blog... on the previous aishaa share with you gais the meseum in others country now in Malaysia we also have that too,, wanna know ? okay lets explore with me By Aisha,

N A T U R A L M U S E U M in LONDON ...

N A T U R A L  M U S E U M  in LONDON ...   hey gais today aisha would like to share history about Natural History Museum in London,   The museum is home to life and earth science specimens comprising some 80 million items within five main collections: botany, entomology, mineralogy,and zoology. The museum is a world-renowned centre of research specialising in taxonomy, identification and conservation. Given the age of the institution, many of the collections have great historical as well as scientific value, such as specimens collected by charles darwin. The museum is particularly famous for its exhibition of dinosour skeletons and ornate architecture—sometimes dubbed a cathedral of nature—both exemplified by the large diplodus cast that dominated the vaulted central hall before it was replaced in 2017 with the skeleton of a blue whale hanging from the ceiling. The Natural History Museum Library contains extensive books, journals, manuscripts, and artwork collections linked to

2 Types Of Juices for Skin

1.  Carrot Spinach Juice This juice is great for every skin type.This juice will help to brighten up the skin. Ingredients 4 carrots handful of spinach handful of parsley 1/2 apple 2.   Pineapple Juice This juice will help to have a good digestion and good skin.It also work together with other ingredients to calm inflammation,which is present with acne.It clears the skin. Ingredients few slices or chunks of pineapple 1/2 cucumber 1/2 apple By,Dharshini.

12 Facts about Whales

You can tell the age of a whale by counting the rings in its earwax. A natural predator of the Moose is the Killer Whale.They have been known to prey on moose swimming around America's Northwest Coast. The water in a blue whale's mouth weighs as much as its entire body. Many expensive perfumes contain whale poop. A blue whale is larger than a basketball court. There's only one all-white humpback whale known in the world. Whales drown if they remain underwater for over 30 minutes. Despite their massive size,blue whales feed almost exclusively on krill, tiny shrimp like animals about the size of a jelly bean. A blue whale's heart can be as large as a car. Whale sharks can live up to 100 years. Grey whales always mate in threesome : two males to one female. The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibles, the noise can be detected over 800km (500mi) away. By,Dharshini. Humpback Whale Blue Whale

Quotes of the day

       Have u all played in snow and build snowman before??? Its one of my dream to build snowman too...But i have never been played in snow so its impossible to build snowman too i guess..hahax..For sure one day i will get a chance to build snowman ... By,Hishalini.

Whales : An Innocent Death by Chelsie Woodhead

As the gentle giants swim through the sea, Not expecting a thing, A sharp metal object is heading their way, And they feel a sharp sting. They don't know what happened, But they feel a lot of pain, The innocent creatures, Are pulled up by a chain. Now they've figured it out, They know what's going on, A whaling harpoon has hit them, A massive violent gun.  As they're pulled up to the whaling ship, Their condition deteriorates, They get weaker and weaker, They're in a terrible state. The last thing they see, Just before they die, Is the satisfied look, In the fisherman's eye. I hope this proves, How cruel whaling is, Well how would you like it, If you were treated like this? This poem is re ally ama zing.Reading the poem created a lump in my heart.Whales should be prote cted and the evil people who carry on the sick pra ctice of whaling sh ould be br ought to just ice. By, Dharshini.

Extinct Tigers In This World

TASMANIAN TIGER (1936) Thylacine - The Tasmanian tiger was the largest carnivorous marsupial of the modern era, evolving around 4 million years ago. It became extinct in the 1930s due to excessive hunting by farmers who blamed it for killing shrep and poultry.Other factors were a loss of habitat to agriculture, disease and the introduction of days. This remarkable creature lived in Tasmania, Australia and New Guinea and could grow to almost 2 meters in length from head to tail. The Tasmanian tiger was too of the food chain (apex predator) and nocturnally ambushed prey including kangaroos,wallabies,possums,birds and small mammals.Its jaws could open 120 degrees and its stomach could distend to consume large quantities of food, meaning it could survive in sparsely populated areas.It was an unusual marsupial because both sexes had a pouch;the male using it to protect its genitals when running through the brush. JAVAN TIGER (1979) Javan tiger similar in appearance to Sumatran tiger ,th

Interesting Flowers

When i was searching something about flowers in youtube,i found something interesting and strange from youtube..Its all about the flower looks like human,animals and many other shapes. It was really shocking that this type of flowers about exist.I would like to share the video to you all also so you also can know the strange beauty in our world. By ,Hishalini.


  gais do you know lavender can be any things that we can uses it, so here aishaa want to show something that you might not know about lavender....                             first as i know lavender can be a drink that you can try at home for example lavender lemonade it is the best drink ever it can make you keep focused all the day long. second, honeydew lavender lift is a smoothie can clear your stomach from toxic in our body. third, blue lavender bliss is a healthy supply of B vitamins reduced anxiety. Sip, savor, relax lastly lavender honey from the refreshing honeydew to the sweet coconut water. Before putting the lavender in your blender, breathe in the wonderful fragrance. so if you want a recipe please like and leave a comment first okay... thanks again for supporting our blog .... By,Aisha.


BEAUTIFUL OF SAKURA      As we know this is a sakura but in another words its calling cherry blossom, Cherry blossoms are Japan's national flower,The Japanese love cherry blossoms so much, they've turned into ice cream flavour. and mostly picnicking beneath cherry blossom trees is a Japanese tradition, The century-old custom is known as "hanami," which means flower viewing. Early scripture hints that the tradition began with emperors and members of the Imperial Palace. Cherry blossom festivals celebrate more than just spring. t's likely that you've been to a cherry blossom festival before. According to the national cherry blossom,  the flower is celebrated as a symbol for the friendship between Japan and the U.S..    i really love sakura.... By,Aisha.

Beautiful of AURORA

beautiful of aurora weather it is a wether that we can see in others country. By,Aisha.

A U T U M N is hereee...

    Do you know what is autumn? if you gais dont even know about autumn so today aishaa will tell you a little bit about autumn..     Autumn is the s eason after summer and before winter . In the united states this season is also called fall. In the northern hemis, it is often said to begin with the autumnal equinox in september and end with the winter solstice in December. In the Southern Hemisphere, it runs from the autumnal equinox in March to the winter solstice in June. In many places in the temperate zone, autumn is a time for harvesting most crops. trees (trees that lose their leaves every year) lose their leaves, usually after turning yellow, red, or brown. In many countries, autumn is the time a new school year starts. In the UK, the period of school between the start of September and the end of December is known as the 'Autumn Term'. When it is autumn in the northern hemisphere, it is spring in the southern   hemisphere. When it is autumn in the Southern Hemisp

Largest Flower - R a f f l e s i a

R A F F L E S I A hey everyone today i would like to share with you gais about the facts the largest flower rafflesia...      Rafflesia is the world's largest, the heaviest, the rarest and the one of the most stinkiest flowers in the world. It grows to 1 metre wide and weighs about 10 kgs. Rafflesia, a native of rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo in the Indonesian Archipelago, is the the largest flower in this wolrd. Interestingly, Rafflesia is a parasitic plant without any leaves, stems and roots (It has only nutrient-absorbing threads to absorb nutrients from the host on which it lives) but for the largest flower. so now you know about this flower..           so dont forget to like and leave any comment aT below.. thankyou for supporting.. love you.. mwahhhhhh By,Aisha.

My Thoughts When I look At The Sky

You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won't happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say," I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am. I am not going to let this get the best of me. I'm moving on with my life.๐Ÿ˜Š The view on the way back from my hometown.❤ By, Dharshini.

How to Survive College Life?

There is a reason why so many people look back on college fondly. You have more freedom than you have ever had before, but you’re not yet burdened by all of the responsibilities of adulthood. It doesn’t always feel that way, though. Between taking classes, making friends, dealing with roommates, and more, it’s easy to get burned out. Instead, flourish by taking control of the situation from the beginning. 1. Managing College Academics    Go to class.  In large first-year classes, there might not be anyone taking attendance, which means that you won’t get in trouble the same way you may have in high school. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to class, though, and some teachers will have an attendance policy. More importantly, skipping class means missing out on valuable learning. Don’t make your life more difficult by forcing yourself to cram come exam time. College is also expensive, and not going to class means that you are wasting a lot of your and/or your parents’ money

Leave shapes and their name

Wow its so amazing there are variety of leave shapes in our country...Basically now only i get to know them and their names... By, Hishalini.

Quote of the day

Sun  sets to rise again.So,just rise again tomorrow if you fall down now. By,  Dharshini.

My Inspirational Quote

Captured by Dharshini. "Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on,with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us". By, Dharshini.

5 Amazing Caves In Malaysia

1. Gua Niah,Miri,Sarawak. Divided into two sections - The Great Cave and The Painted Cave - both were home to the pre-historic humans and there is nothing better than threading the caverns and chambers here as you see what it was like to live in a subterranean. 2. Wind Cave,Gunung Mulu National Park,Sarawak. Wind Cave Nature Reserve (also known as Lubang Angin) provides visitors with an authentic,but relatively safe,caving experience in pitch black , bat-infested tunnels. You can also see some of the 6.16 hectares of forest and rivers in the protected reserve surrounding the cave. 3. Dark Cave,Batu Caves,Selangor.   Batu Caves not only houses one of the most famous Hindu Temples in the world - The Sri Subramaniam Temple - but it also houses the Dark cave - one of the main caves at the Batu Caves hill.It is home to an ancient animal community of 100 million years old,including the rarest spider in the world,The Trapdoor Spider (Liphistius Batuensis).Dark cave has i

Flowers by Pearlyn

They have no mouth, but seem to speak A thousand words so mild and meek. They have no eyes , but seem to see And bury thoughts into me. They have no ears, but seem to hear All my cries, my every tear. They have no arms, but seem to pat When with worries my heart is fat. They have no feet, but seem to walk Along with me in my dreams and talk. They, I know, are the flowers so nice That spread their fragrance a million miles. Grow a few and then you'll know  How your life is fresh and new. With a smile so broad, I thank my God, Whose work to imagine is really too hard. By, Dharshini.

Fact about Lotus Flower

Lotus can reach only 125cm (50 inches) in height but it spreads 3 meters (10 feet) horizontally (width). Lotus flowers are found in white,pink,red,blue,purple and yellow colours and they grow in shallow and murky waters. According to a traditional story,the more muddy and opaque the water, the more beautiful the Lotus flower when it emerges. In Egyptian mythology, the lotus is associated with the sun, as it flowers at the day hours and closes by night.Lotus is even believed to have given birth to the sun. The lotus is a sacred flower for Buddhists. For Buddhists,the lotus flower represents purity of body,mind and spirit.The lotus is one of the eight auspicious signs of Buddhism - an eight petalled lotus used in Buddhist mandalas symbolizes cosmic harmony,a thousand petalled Lotus,spiritual illumination. According to Hinduism,within each human is the spirit of the sacred lotus.It represents eternity,divinity,purity, and is widely used as a symbol of life,fertility,ever renewing

Differences between Solar Eclipse & Lunar Eclipse

So basically solar is sun eclipse meanwhile lunar means moom eclipse.Many of them didnt know the differences between sun and moon eclipse right??? So come let me explain everyone. When the moon passes between sun and earth,the moon shadow is seen as solar eclipse on Earth. When earth passes directly between sun and moon ,its shadow creates a Lunar eclipse. *Furthermore the lunar eclipse do not occur every month because the moon's orbit is tilted five degress from Earth's orbit around the Sun". By ,Hishalini.

The Moon and Sky Song Lyric

I was the one I who could, pull in all the stars above Lay them on your feet, and I gave you my love You are the one who got me started You could have let me love anyone but I only wanted you So why did he make me cry Why didn't you come get me one last time You'll always know The reason why We could've had the moon and the sky You'll always know The reason why this love, reason why this love Ain't gon' let you go You let me down Left me for alliance A long long time ago You left me there dying But you'll never let me go You'll always know The reason why We could have had the moon and the sky You'll always know The reason why this love, reason why this love Ain't gon' let you go You'll always know the reason, why The song you heard, will stay on your mind It ain't goin' let you go, no Cause you have removed the light in the sky You'll always know The reason why We could have had the mo

Happy New Year Everyone

This year holds numerous surprises for us.Be open for accept it...Keep Smiling people๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š. By,Hishalini.