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K-style Skin Care

1. Give your face a steam massage in the shower.
  • Recommend not only using circular motions with your fingers, but also tapping in rotating motions - starting on the forehead, then the cheeckbones , cheecks and working down to the jawbone.Massaging increases circulation and creates a dewy complexion.For added benefit use an oil cleanser to maximize hydration.

2. Use a charcoal sheet face mask.
  • It detoxes and exfoliates your skin and all have to do is let the sheet sit on your face for 15 - 20 minutes while relaxing.   
3. Exfoliate with a washcloth soaked in hot water.
  • To reduce wrinkles use a nubby washcloth to massage your face everyday,using upward moving circular strokes.
4. Apply a facial essence between two layers of moisturizer.
  • Essences are mild, skin nutrient filled solutions (not toners) that hydrate your skin and are applied after cleansing .The next step is to add serum and then you can add your moisturizer for maximum skin elasticity and hydration.
5. Use an overnight sleeping mask.
  • It's during sleep that your skin cells turnover and do their hardest work at cell recovery. This is the best time to hyper-moisturize and work on a tired complexion.Apply an intensive sleeping mask to correct any dullness.When you wake up ,weeks of wear and tear will have come off of your face.


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